my name is

The book draws empathetic portraits, of deeply unsympathetic figures, forcing readers to understand the mindset of monstrous characters.The thoughtful rendering will captivate those with similar experiences. One of the things we hear over, and over is, “ The doctor didn’t listen to me.” Women are more likely than men to receive a wrong or delayed diagnosis, and mistakes cause 20% of all hospital deaths. A true story that charts a life changing illness, and its many consequences. The book promises to leave you with more knowledge, than before you started.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic” -
Stephen King.

About the

C.L. Kennedy is an entrepreneur, caregiver, and writer, starting a whole new chapter of her life as author. Her first non-fiction book “My Name Is Candy” is about issues of inequity in the healthcare industry. Candy is a California native, attended Grossmont Community College. A Realtor, she managed residential real estate for twenty years, while raising four children. In 2001 Candy gave up her career in real estate, and became a full time caregiver for beloved family members. She experienced the frustration of being an advocate, for her loved ones, then after suffering her own medical tribulations, she wrote “My Name Is Candy.” She is living her best life, enjoying her new home in Yuma, Arizona, writing her next book, staying healthy, and thanking God for all her blessings.

C.L. Kennedy wrote the book for anyone, who has experienced any kind of medical crisis. Sustained by her lifelong passion for storytelling, she wanted to share her story, and etc.

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